A RICHMOND foodbank has prepared special Christmas hampers for those most in need over the holiday period.
The hampers will be distributed by the StoreHouse foodbank next week to a number of individuals, families and charities in the Richmond and Colburn areas.
Helping to prepare the hampers was Richmond MP Rishi Sunak. He joined members of the Influence Church in Richmond to make-up the hampers from festive goodies donated by the local community.
Mr Sunak also made a donation of food, providing mince pies, Christmas puddings and tins shortbread for the hampers.
He said: “Storehouse does a great job all the year round but Christmas is a time when those in difficulties need our help the most.
“I was delighted to contribute to the hampers.”
Influence Church in Richmond set up its StoreHouse foodbank in November 2012 and since then has supplied around 47,000 meals to residents in Richmond and the surrounding area.
Mr Sunak also heard about the church’s latest initiative – two new projects linked to StoreHouse aimed at helping people in poverty to improve their lives so they don’t need to use the foodbank
The church is launching two courses to help people with unemployment or addiction.
It has teamed up with charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) to offer two courses with coaching and general help for those who want to get back into work or kick a habit.
Mr Sunak said: “I am very encouraged the church is undertaking this initiative in tackling some of the root causes of poverty.”
The courses begin in January. Contact the church on 01748-823161 for more information about the courses.