I braved a chilly morning to set up a stall on Stokesley High St and speak with shoppers out and about on market day.
It was a very productive morning. Almost everyone I spoke to had received the Residents Survey we posted to every home in the constituency and many had already returned it. If you still have you copy, please take 5 minutes to fill it out and send it back to me, it really is great way for me to see what is on your mind.
The major national topics raised with me were the Economy, Immigration and whether we were adequately funding our Defence needs. On a more local level, most people wanted to talk about development plans. There is a delicate balance between local economic development, providing affordable homes for young people to live in to they do not have to leave the area, and maintaining the special rural feel of places like this.
Many thanks to the kind staff at Stokseley Fish Shop who kept us warm with cups of hot tea!